How to get a part-time job at a resort in Japan! 〜日本のリゾート地でのアルバイト情報〜

Resort job offer information If you work in japan

Would you like to work part-time at a resort in Japan?

This page provides you with real-time job information at resorts, including resort hotels, inns, pensions, lodges, theme parks, and ski resorts throughout Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, in spring, summer, fall, and winter.

You can choose from a wide variety of jobs to suit your needs.

We offer especially high wage jobs, so you can save money in a short period of time. This is perfect for people who are working hard to achieve their dreams and goals, such as studying abroad, working holidays, and international travel.

job for foreigners

Link to job information site specializing in jobs for foreigners.

*For information for foreigners who want to work in Japan full-time, not part-time, please visit this site.
